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Building Bridges & STREAMin3 Curriculum 



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The Science Behind STREAMin3

                                          Our curriculum model doesn't focus on what children are learning but on how they are learning it and how we can best support teachers in their implementation.

A curriculum that sparks children’s learning with engaging activities is essential.

But, research also shows that it is the high-quality interactions children have with

their teacher and peers throughout the day at school that matter most. 

What we teach children in the early years is essential, but how we teach it makes

a critical difference in how children learn. That’s where STREAMin3 comes in.


A Focus on What Children Learn

STREAMin3 focuses on five Core Skills that form the building blocks for later learning

and six STREAM Skills that prepare children for academic success in kindergarten and beyond.

These skills map directly onto the developmental sequences and expectations

that support early learning for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.


A Focus on How Children Learn

STREAMin3 also focuses on what research tells us is critical for children’s learning.

Young children are curious learners who need culturally relevant opportunities to learn

about the world.  And they don’t follow the same pace and rate in their

skill development, nor do they have the same interests, cultural backgrounds, or experiences.

STREAMin3 is structured to embrace all of these differences and meet these needs.

It encourages children to be active agents in their learning and lets teachers

individualize learning opportunities as needed.


A Focus on Implementation

STREAMin3 emphasizes creating a comprehensive, integrated learning

experience that encourages teachers to be intentional in promoting positive 

interactions with and between children.


The in3 of STREAMin3


We integrate academic and social-emotional skills in a way that leads to authentic, powerful

learning experiences. Our curriculum spans from birth to five, providing a trajectory of learning.



Our curriculum is designed so that teachers know why they are doing what they do

at any given moment. This intentionality means that adequate support is provided throughout

the entire day, not just during formal activities.



A child’s interactions between teachers and peers are what matter most. We focus on the

importance of interactions during planned activities, as well as the moment-to-moment

interactions that happen across the day.


Supporting Implementation

At STREAMin3, we know educators need training and ongoing support to implement a curriculum with high fidelity.

Our curriculum model includes professional development (PD) to help teachers maximize their moment-to-moment

 interactions with children, the instruction they provide, and their implementation of the STREAMin3 curriculum.

Embedded materials and resources, individualized coaching, and group PD sessions all help programs reflect on how

to get the most out of the STREAMin3 curriculum within their early childhood education center.


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